
This is an episode with an emphasis on action scenes, big setpieces, and the like.

05 – Feng Shui 2 With Chris Burlew

Jimmy Lee leads an ordinary, boring life. Ordinary, boring job. Ordinary, boring best friend. Ordinary, boring government agents trying to bring him in. Ordinary, boring superpowers. Wait… what were those last two? Uh-oh. Continue reading →

Posted by Admin in Actual Play

03 – Scarlet Heroes With Jason Ashley

In a world choked by the otherworldly horrors of the Red Tide, an ex-soldier embarks on a deadly mission to save the life of one young child. But when faced with terrors from beyond our world, can he prove himself a hero–a Scarlet Hero? Continue reading →

Posted by Admin in Actual Play

01 – Fate Accelerated With Noah Houlihan

It is a dark time for the wrestlers of Cosmo City. Someone–or something–is snatching them away in the night. Can Slimy McHeelburg, the cheatingest, lyingest, look-over-thereingest rudo in town, muster up the courage to save the day? Continue reading →

Posted by Admin in Actual Play