Autumn has come, and with it, the Colossi embark on their journey for hibernation. Along their side, human travelers protect these giants and guide them to their resting place. This is the story of two such travelers, and the living thunderstorm they shepherd along the way.
377 – HERO CATASTROPHE with Mark Kennedy
Two doomed souls passed through the star-gate, tricked by an uncaring employer into a death-march without a return. They will face their mortality in the place on the other side. Death will come for both of them. One will deny it; the other embrace it. This is not a story of hope.
376 – A Land Once Magic with Andre Rivera
In the distant future, after magic and technology rose and fell, new lives and new peoples make their way, in the shadows of the titans, as best they can…
375 – The Fallen with Lin Codega
And lo, in the eyes of the Echoing Empress, Guild Le Grande fell from favor, and fell from grace. There was a long road back into her glory ahead of them… Continue reading →
374 – Frontier Scum with Christine Prevas
There is something… lurking… beneath the tunnels in the mines. Something violent, something furious, something alive what once was dead. But the scariest part? What’s above the ground might be scarier than what’s stirring below.
373 – Sapphicworld with Darling Demon Eclipse
This is the story of Kaleidoscope Everlasting, the Tw*nk Controversial, Pirate Ghost of the Broken Core, and their quest to reclaim their lost Sapphism from the Pirate Lord Cannonsera Quilt. It is, in the end, a story of romance, but perhaps not a love story.
372 – EIDOLON: Become Your Best Self with Luke
A Nightmare On the Highway: Safety Dance Comes for Asbury Park, Part 1 (of 1) – A Frog Crosses the Road! Continue reading →
371 – Let the Fire Soothe with Lyra Vega
A PORTAL HAS ERUPTED IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. And unfortunately for NoClip, it’s also in the heart of his small neighborhood. Someone has to step up and step through the threshold. But with so much on his mind, it will take a miracle to give him the strength he needs. Of course, that’s just what the demon in his Zippo offers, in exchange for a memory or two… Continue reading →
370 – Triangle Agency with Caleb Zane Huett
369 – Last Shooting with Grant
Two mechsuits stare one another down at the end of a long, brutal conflict. The winners and losers of the war have been decided. But in its own way, that makes this ultimate battle even more crucial to both sides… Continue reading →