36 – Cold Soldier with Tim From Pocket Sized Play

Deep in the Alps, the town of Longhaven sits secluded, safe from the plague that ravages the countries to the east. But somewhere in the shadows, something lurks–something cold and rotting, infected and unclean, unwavering in its mission, but haunted by hints of a life once lived. Continue reading →

Posted by Admin in Actual Play

33 – Age of Rebellion with Chris Ing

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… HAVEN OF SPIES, A STAR WARS TALE! It is a time of Civil War. The ALLIANCE TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC has struck a major victory against the GALACTIC EMPIRE in destroying THE DEATH STAR. New recruits from across the galaxy now join the Rebellion in the hope of a better future. However, IMPERIAL SPIES still pollute the ranks of the Rebellion. It is up to COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AGENTS like BOTHAN BAM TRINDOH to remove them. Bam has recently been ordered to the medical frigate HAVEN to locate a spy that has INFILTRATED THE UPPER RANKS. Posing as a HOLONET COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, Bam is close to discovering the fiend’s identity. Will he and his droid associate LEVON find the the threat BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE? Continue reading →

Posted by Admin in Actual Play

31 – Reflections with Jim McClure

Korihima, a scholar and ally of the North. Katsuyori Tsuraba, a free man and proud defender of the Emperor’s will. Two men, once friends, now stare one another down, locked in a duel to the death. Years of strife and miles of carnage stand between them. There is no way out now. There is no turning back. One–or both–of them must die. Continue reading →

Posted by Admin in Actual Play