437 – The Ultimate Fantasy Character Creator with Jeff Stormer (feat. Riley Hopkins)
436 – Blood Yule with Brandon Leon-Gambetta
It’s Christmas Eve and you know that means–time for some holiday magic with my dear friend Brandon Leon-Gambetta. This year, we’re fighting off evil holiday spirits in Blood Yule, a winter-themed expansion for Bar the Windows, Bolt the Doors. Can we survive murderous elves, robot toys, and The Toymaker? Listen and find out!
435 – Last Tea Shop with Depthe
434 – The Moon Fucking Hates You with Ryan Stevens
433 – Mothership with Jess Parks
432 – Worlds Without Harmony with Sean Foer
Sean is a professional Game Master, video creator, and INCREDIBLE advocate for the world of TTRPGs. We sat down to play a faction-filled game of Worlds Without Harmony, a game of ideological conflicts, unanswerable questions, and the people caught up in them.
You’ll dig this episode if you like: Superheroes (specifically, the NBC masterpiece Heroes), inventive worldbuilding, folk heroes, and big emotional swings.
431 – El Inmortal Unmasked in the Main Event (Acoustic Cover) with Michael Ornelas
430 – Ever Dream This Man? with Adam Vass
429 – Press Play with Eric Prister
Part One of the World Champ Late Night Double Feature Podcast Spectacular — check out part 2, Ever Dream This Man? with Adam Vass, also on the feed right now!