The year is 200X. Hauntings and supernatural occurrences have become extremely common… and extremely deadly. No longer is an exorcist enough to finish the job. You need… A Flexorcist. Continue reading →
320 – Edge of the Galaxy with Melissa Lusk
It’s a big universe out there. You pass through it… something is bound to change you sooner or later. Continue reading →
319 – I Guess This Is It with Cezar Capacle
… And that was the day Scorpion and Kid Hornet would part ways, never to see one another again. Continue reading →
318 – Cadences with Jess Rowan Marcotte
There is a distance between Mags & Terra. It is not a physical distance, but it is there, and it is vast, and unknowable, and will take many forms in the weeks and years to come. This is the story of Mags & Terra and that distance…
317 – Ocean Tides with August
Once upon a time on the blasted frozen ice, a pirate and a selkie, beset by naval forces, set their sites on the treasure haul of a lifetime…
316 – I Have the High Ground with Jess Levine
In a universe far, far away, a bounty hunter stares down the scoundrel commando of a desperate rebellion. Blades are soon to be drawn, and space magic soon conjured, but first, there is the delicate dance of the battle of words beforehand… Continue reading →
315 – The Snow Queen with Jeeyon Shim
Once upon a time, a boy tumbled through a mirror, into the wooded realm of the snow queen.
From there, things got very bad, very fast.
314 – Brindlewood Bay with Chris Bissette
Brindlewood Bay is a nice, quiet community where nothing much happens. No drama, no hustle, no bustle, no murders… well, about that last point…
313 – Ezra’s Guide to Magic or Otherwise Significant Objects with Ezra Szanton
In which we hit the books and decipher the tales of a mask, a starship, and the armors of the great summoners of the multiverse.
312 – Raccoon Sky Pirates with Chris Sellers
HOME APPLIANCES, HO! There be treasure waiting in the suburbs, and we raccoons are the only ones brave enough to seize it! Once more into the Dumpster Fire, let us hop aboard our junkyard airship and TAKE TO THE SKIES!