SPECIAL EPISODE! As we take a week to rest and recover from a busy schedule, enjoy this special live recording–the first in our monthly live showcase at Unity Java in Philadelphia, PA.
GO BIRDS! For our first ever installement of Party of One Says GO BIRDS, I sat down with my dear friend and certified Coheed & Cambria superfan Dillin Apelyan (ONE SHOT, Patchwork Productions) for a game of The Dark Sentencer by Marn Lastname.
We got a half hour into the episode before realizing I hadn’t hit record and we needed to start over. Sometimes it be like that.
THE DARK SENTENCER: https://marns.itch.io/the-dark-sentencer
DILLIN APELYAN: https://superdillin.carrd.co/
ONE SHOT: https://oneshotpodcast.com/actual-play/one-shot/
RECORDED LIVE AT UNITY JAVA: https://unityjava.com/
SUPPORT JEFF ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/jeffstormer
THEME SONG: Mega Ran feat. D&D Sluggers, “Infinite Lives,” RandomBeats LLC, www.megaran.com