432 – Worlds Without Harmony with Sean Foer

Sean is a professional Game Master, video creator, and INCREDIBLE advocate for the world of TTRPGs. We sat down to play a faction-filled game of Worlds Without Harmony, a game of ideological conflicts, unanswerable questions, and the people caught up in them.

You’ll dig this episode if you like: Superheroes (specifically, the NBC masterpiece Heroes), inventive worldbuilding, folk heroes, and big emotional swings.

WORLDS WITHOUT HARMONY: https://www.logbook-project.com/store/worlds-without-harmony

SEAN FOER: https://www.seanfoer.com/

SEAN’S START PLAYING GAMES PROFILE: https://startplaying.games/gm/scene_four

ALL MY FANTASY CHILDREN: https://moonshotpods.com/all-my-fantasy-children/

YAZEBA’S BED & BREAKFAST: https://redcircle.com/shows/yazebas-bed-and-breakfast

PARTY OF ONE DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/SxpQKmK

SUPPORT JEFF ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/jeffstormer

THEME SONG: Mega Ran feat. D&D Sluggers, “Infinite Lives,” RandomBeats LLC, www.megaran.com