A dark presence is tearing from world to world, dissolving entire planets to static in an instant. A mysterious artifact wields the power to stop it… if it can find its rightful owner. It will take the work of disparate heroes and villains across time and space to bring it home. Can they pull it off?
INTERSTITIAL: OUR HEARTS INTERTWINED: https://revryebread.itch.io/interstitial-our-hearts-intertwined
LINKSMITH GAMES: https://www.linksmithgames.com/
FOLLOW RILEY ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/revryebread
ALL MY FANTASY CHILDREN: http://www.allmyfantasychildren.com/
FOLLOW AARON ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/aaroncatanosaez
PIECE OF CAKE PODCAST NETWORK: https://pocpodcasting.wixsite.com/pocpn
FOLLOW COLE ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KingColeMiner
PARTY OF ONE DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/SxpQKmK
SUPPORT JEFF ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/jeffstormer
FOLLOW JEFF ON TWITCH: www.twitch.tv/gmjeffstormer
BUY JEFF’S GAMES: http://jeffstormer.itch.io
THEME SONG: Mega Ran feat. D&D Sluggers, “Infinite Lives,” RandomBeats LLC, www.megaran.com
CALL YOUR REPS: http://5calls.org/
DONATE: https://donate.splcenter.org/
DONATE: www.plannedparenthood.org